Why is Fall Considered Chemical Peel Season?

You must have heard the phrase “Fall Season is Peel season”, but what does that mean for you and for your skin? After all the sun and fun of the summer months, the fall and winter months are the perfect time to book skin revision treatments.

What Makes Fall The Best Time Of Year For Chemical Peels?

The sun’s rays are stronger during the summer, we tend to spend more time outdoors and probably fail to reapply our SPF. Having the skin exposed to sun after a chemical peel not only increases the risk of further damage and skin cancer, but it can also undo the benefit of the treatment.

In the fall and winter months the UV rays are weaker, and this allows our skin the time it needs to adequately recover after a corrective treatment like chemical peel. Doing these treatments in the cooler months also means that there is less chance of inflammation or complications for your newly uncovered skin. There are many different types and strengths of chemical peels. With caution, some can be performed all year around.

What Is A Chemical Peel And How Do They Work?

A chemical peel is a non-surgical resurfacing treatment that exfoliates dead skin cells and “peels” away the outermost layer of the skin to improve scarring, sun-damage, hyperpigmentation and fine lines and wrinkles.

There Are Three Major Classifications Of Chemical Peels

Mild peels penetrate the superficial layer of the skin. It can be used to treat fine lines, acne, uneven skin tone and dry or dehydrated skin. Superficial peels are usually made from an AHA like lactic acid and a BHA like salicylic acid. It has little to no downtime. One treatment can be beneficial but for visible and long-lasting results several treatments (series) are recommended.

Medium depth peels focusing on the medium layers of your skin. Best for treating conditions like scarring, deeper wrinkles, and hyperpigmentation, it’s great for overall skin rejuvenation. Medium peels have a 3-7 days downtime and could include TCA, glycolic acid, Jessner and Mandelic acid in different strengths.

Deep peels contain a higher concentration of acids and it’s the most powerful of the chemical peels. It can only be performed by a medical professional. While it produces more dramatic results than mild and medium peels, it also requires a much longer recovery time and aftercare protocol.

 The Benefits Of Chemical Peels

Chemical peels have had a bad reputation. We often experience clients being unsure about whether or not to have a chemical peel and the blame might just have to be on our favorite TV show (Sex and the City), where Samantha’s peel goes wrong. BUT chemical peels have come a long way since the 90’s and they are one of the best ways to:

  • Stimulate collagen production

  • Improve the tone and texture of the skin

  • Improve/reduce discoloration

  • Help clear up breakouts/ acne

  • Address superficial scarring

  • Smooth fine lines and wrinkles

  • Increase hydration

  • Enabling our skincare products to be more effective

What Months Are Included In The “Peel Season”?

Peel season starts from September and lasts until April of the following year.

Peels At JE’DERM Skin Atelier

At JE’DERM skin atelier we work with two different types of chemical peels. An ethanol (alcohol) and a cream and gel-based peel. The difference between them is the way they penetrate, the effect they have on the skin, and the downtime.

Circadia Chemical Peels (Ethanol Based)

The purpose of Circadia chemical peels is to remove surface protein to help promote epidermal cell turnover and fibroblast activity in the deeper dermal layer. Since the carrier of the peel is ethanol, this allows the ingredients in the peel to be driven deeper into the epidermal layers. 
To treat a variety of concerns such as sun damage, acne, fine lines, we use three different types of peels that are customized to your skin condition. These peels have a downtime of 5 to 7 days and clients will experience mild to moderate peeling for a couple of days. Although results may vary you will see visible results after a single treatment. These peels can be repeated every 2 to 3 months, and includes a take home skincare kit to enhance your results.

Dermafrost: A salicylic acid based peel, designed to cut through oil, reduce bacteria and decrease inflammation for problematic skin. 

Mandeliclear: This is a deeper and effective peel indicated for fine lines and wrinkles and improving pigmentation due to acne, melasma or photodamaged skin. This peel is safe, gentle and well tolerated by all skin types.

Jessner peel: this peel will effectively break down damaged cells, stimulate cellular rejuvenation and improve overall health of the skin. Jessner peels are ideal for Fitzpatrick 1 to 3 skin types.

Environ Cool Peel (Creams And Gel Based)

A gentler, but effective peel alternative. Environ Cool Peel Technology uses low percentage and low pH of lactic and TCA acids to work with the skin to rejuvenate and exfoliate. This ultimately helps refine and improve the appearance of sun-damage, texture, aging and blemished skin without compromising its natural functions. 

For best results we perform these peels in a series of 3 to 6 peel treatments weekly or bi-weekly. Because of its gentle approach, there is little to no downtime (clients might experience dryness and slight flaking). It’s ideal for all skin types and conditions and for clients who want the results but don’t want to have downtime.

How To Prepare For Your Chemical Peel Treatment

Regardless of the peel you are getting, preparing the skin is essential.

Before Your Appointment

Leading up to your chemical peel appointment (for about 72 hours) avoid using abrasive exfoliants, scrubs, facials masks, derma-roller, self-tanners, or lightening and exfoliating products. This includes over the counter and prescription, Retinol, Retin-A, hydroquinone, and benzoyl peroxide. At least one week before the treatment please avoid any waxing, electrolysis or any other hair removal method. After an Accutane course you have to wait 6 months to get a chemical peel.

What To Expect During A Chemical Peel

Our Circadia Chemical Peel treatment takes 60 minutes. Before applying the peel solution, we cleanse the skin and if the skin permits, we perform a microdermabrasion. After degreasing the skin, the first layer of solution is applied using a brush or a cotton pad. We may apply several layers of the peel to enhance strength and penetration. You may feel a warming, tingling or stinging sensation for the first few minutes. The layers we apply are depending on the skin condition and the results we want to achieve. These treatments are self-neutralizing which means that we will leave the solution on, and it will neutralize itself. This treatment is finished with LED Light therapy.

Environ Cool Peel treatment takes 45 min and it’s done on a weekly or biweekly basis. This peel also starts with the cleansing of the skin before the appropriate peel solution is applied. The peel is left on the skin for 10-20 min depending on the peel and the condition we are treating. This peel must be removed and neutralized, and it is finished with an LED light therapy.  Scientifically formulated, this technology feels cool and comfortable on the skin.

Your Skin Post-Peel

After the treatment, individualized post-care treatment is given to each client depending on the type of peel performed. Failure to comply with those instructions may affect your treatment outcome and increase the likelihood of complications.

It is important to keep in mind that all skin is different.

Different skin types and skincare routines, both before and after the peel, will make a difference how the skin reacts and heals. Not all patients peel the same way.

The day after the circadia peel treatment you may experience slight redness, skin sensitivity and tightness. The first areas to peel are usually around the nose and mouth but it can begin anywhere. Most clients begin peeling on the 2nd or 3rd day after the treatment and the whole process may take up to 10 days, with only 2 to 3 days of visible peeling.

After the Environ Cool peel, you might feel slight dryness and, in some cases, minimal flakiness.

Chemical Peel Aftercare

  • Avoid excessive heat (sauna, steam room, hot shower)

  • Avoid exercise for 48 hours

  • Do not use any acid exfoliators and any products that contain Retinoids, benzoyl peroxide or any lightening agent at least 2 weeks after the treatment

  • Be gentle with your skin

  • Let the skin fall on its own, don’t pull the “hanging” skin as you can damage the “new skin”

  • Moisturize often

  • Protect your skin (apply and reapply SPF)

  • Avoid sun exposure

Other FAQs About Chemical Peels

  • The result of the treatment depends on the condition we treated. Peels in conjunction with an at-home skincare regimen can help heal and dramatically reduce appearance of sun-damage, superficial pigmentation, acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles and overall rejuvenate the skin.

  • The number of peels required varies depending on the condition being treated. Even one treatment can show visible results but when we are treating acne or sun damage, a series of treatments might be necessary. Each treatment will result in some improvement but usually a series of 3 or 6 peels are required to achieve desirable results.

  • While we love acid-based exfoliators like Revival Mask and Active Peel System for at home exfoliation they cannot be compared to the result a deep peel can give. While many at home and professional chemical peels are based on similar active ingredients, they differ in strength and concentration. Please do not try deeper chemical peels at home. Picking the wrong peel could either limit its effectiveness or damage your skin.

    Contraindications to chemical peels must always be discussed with your skincare professional. If you have a concern, always ask your esthetician prior to receiving a peel.

Book Your Chemical Peel At JE’DERM Skin Atelier

If you have any questions about which peel would be best for you, don’t hesitate to reach out!

*New Clients Must have had at least one Bespoke Facial Treatment before we perform a chemical peel.


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