Radiofrequency Treatment in NYC


Discover radiant skin in NYC with our ThermoClear service, utilizing advanced non-invasive radio frequency technology. This treatment effectively addresses skin imperfections like tags, angiomas, sunspots, capillaries, and more, offering minimal discomfort and no downtime. Safe for all skin types, ThermoClear provides quick and virtually painless results for a range of concerns.

*Clients who are pregnant or have a heart condition/pace maker cannot receive ThermoClear treatment. **Results may vary and could require multiple sessions.

thermoclear nyc

How Does It Work?

ThermoClear is our state-of-the-art non-invasive radio frequency technology. Operating with both low and high frequencies, it precisely targets epidermal skin imperfections like skin tags, cherry angiomas, sunspots, spider capillaries, sebaceous hyperplasia, brown spots, and keratosis.

ThermoClear exclusively focuses on the epidermis, ensuring safety for all skin types and colors. In just seconds, ThermoClear treats unwanted imperfections with minimal discomfort and virtually no downtime. This radio frequency treatment is effective for various concerns, including skin tags, sun spots, age spots, sebaceous hyperplasia, keratosis, fibromas, cherry angiomas, and spider capillaries.

Experience quick and virtually painless results, unveiling smoother, clearer skin with ThermoClear's advanced technology.

Price: 5 min. - $120 (up to 3 lesions); 15 min. - $175; 30 min. - $300

skin tag removal nyc

Skin Tag Treatment

Skin tags are a common aesthetic concern arising from factors like friction, genetics, hormonal changes, age, obesity, and, at times, diabetes. They often manifest in areas of skin-to-skin or skin-to-clothing contact. Sun damage and UV exposure can contribute to their development due to excess melanin production.

While generally harmless, some individuals opt for removal for cosmetic reasons or irritation. ThermoClear treatment stands out as a highly effective method for skin tag removal. This precise procedure targets melanin-producing cells, breaking down pigmented areas and promoting gradual fading. For those seeking to address skin tags and enhance their skin's overall appearance, ThermoClear treatment provides a safe and efficient solution.

radiofrequency treatment

5 Things You Should Know Before a Skin Tag Removal Treatment

Before undergoing this treatment, there are several important factors to consider. Here are 5 key things you should know:

Personal consultation

A personalized consultation with a skin care professional is crucial to assess your skin and determine if ThermoClear is the right treatment for you.

Minimal discomfort

ThermoClear treatment is generally well-tolerated, with most clients experiencing only temporary and quickly resolving minimal discomfort during the procedure.

Multiple sessions

Achieving optimal results may require multiple ThermoClear sessions, and the number depends on the severity of your skin concerns and your individual response to the treatment.

Recovery time

ThermoClear is renowned for its minimal downtime. After treatment, you can usually resume daily activities immediately. Follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your provider for optimal results.

Sun protection

Prioritize sun protection before and after ThermoClear treatment to prevent complications. Wear broad-spectrum sunscreen and minimize sun exposure, especially during the healing phase.


  • Skin tags are benign and harmless growths that can appear anywhere on the skin, often on the neck, eyelids, or underarms. Varying in color, matching the skin tone or slightly darker, they may dangle or be firmly fixed. Typically small and cylindrical, about the size of a grain of rice, they can grow larger if not removed. Malleable and easily moved, skin tags develop in areas with excess skin or repeated skin-to-skin friction.

  • ThermoClear treatment utilizes state-of-the-art skin treatment system technology, incorporating both low radio frequency (LRF) and high radio frequency (HRF). This advanced system effectively addresses imperfections with minimal downtime and discomfort.

  • ThermoClear ONLY treats the top layer of the skin (epidermis), leaving the lower layers (dermis) of the skin unaffected. It utilizes the power of high and low radio frequencies to improve the appearance of various skin imperfections. Employing a small wand to deliver the precise frequency directly to the surface of skin, the machine's current dehydrates the affected area, effectively treating the imperfections. This method ensures a more comfortable experience compared to traditional dermatological procedures, which may involve skin scraping and the application of harsh chemicals.

    • Current or recent use of Accutane, eczema, dermatitis on or around the treated area, malignant skin tumors, open lesions, lupus, or active herpes infection.

    • Presence of sunburn.

    • Avoid direct sun exposure and tanning bed use two weeks prior to treatment (this practice should be discontinued due to the increased risk of skin cancer and signs of aging).

    • Waxing, threading, or using depilatory creams is not recommended for 5 days prior to treatment.

    • Refrain from using Tretinoin, Retin-A, Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo, Ziana, and high-percentage AHA and BHA products for approximately 5 days before treatment (at least around the treated area, but consult your physician before temporarily discontinuing the use of any prescription medications).

  • ThermoClear treatment is remarkably fast and causes minimal discomfort. The energy is precisely applied only to the affected area or lesions. Clients often liken the sensation to a brief sting, which quickly dissipates once the probe is lifted.

  • ThermoClear is effective in treating a variety of skin conditions, including spider veins, cherry angiomas, sebaceous hyperplasia, fibromas, skin tags, sunspots, age spots, and seborrheic keratosis.

    • Broken Capillaries: Also known as “spider capillaries,” they can appear anywhere on the body, with the face and legs being the most common sites. ThermoClear may reduce the appearance of broken capillaries on the face caused by factors such as prolonged sunlight exposure, genetics, or external factors like allergies and recent trauma.

    • Skin Tags: Benign and tiny flaps of skin caused by aging and friction.

    • Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN): This skin disorder is characterized by the appearance and spread of black or skin-colored pimples across the face, neck, and upper torso. While not harmful to one’s health, individuals may choose to have them removed for cosmetic reasons.

    • Cherry Angiomas: These benign skin tumors can develop from rubbing or aging. They are also known as Campbell de Morgan spots or senile angiomas.

    • Sebaceous Hyperplasia: When the sebaceous glands become inflamed, they swell, resulting in shiny, flesh-colored, or yellowish pimples on the face.

    • Seborrheic Keratosis: A common benign skin growth, similar to a mole, often appearing in mid-adulthood. While harmless and not requiring treatment, many find them aesthetically unappealing.