LED Light Therapy Benefits for Skin Concerns

Loving the skin you’re in can be a challenge as people strive for an ideal, even though skin conditions affect one in three Americans. Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies, it helps to regulate our body temperature and protects us from the elements. Still, the skin on our face is delicate, and incorporating LED light therapy into your skincare can improve a plethora of skin concerns.

What Is LED Light Therapy?

LED light therapy is a unique, non-invasive skin care treatment that penetrates the skin's three layers to improve its condition. LED light therapy can be utilized for a broad spectrum of treatment. Combined with a solid skincare routine, LED light therapy helps you achieve the radiant glow you’ve been longing for. 

The History Of LED Light Therapy

In 1967, a failed research attempt by a Hungarian scientist named Dr. Endre Mester accidentally discovered laser light therapy. While not the result he hoped for, his discovery moved the study of photobiomodulation forward, and sparked fresh interest in light therapy research. In the 1990’s, NASA scientists discovered that LED light therapy has a stimulating effect on cell and tissue regeneration which greatly improved the appearance of the skin. This discovery led to further developments enabling the introduction of light therapy into the beauty industry.

What Skin Concerns Do LED Light Therapy Treat?

Known for treating everything from eczema to acne, this popular treatment has gained traction for good reason.

The Different Colors And Effects Of LED Lights

LED light therapy consists of various wavelengths that extend specific markers to certain visible and non-visible colors. These colors penetrate the skin in different ways, some reaching deeper than others. 

Ultraviolet/blue light (390-415 nanometers) is the shortest and most powerful wavelength. lt has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin, which reduces healing time and prevents post-inflammatory scarring. It targets and destroys acne bacteria, regulates oil production and increases blood circulation, which helps to eliminate toxins and provide nutrients to the skin.

Green light (525 nm) helps to control hyperpigmentation of the skin and has a great regenerative power of skin nutrients damaged by sun and age. It has a calming effect and anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the surface of the skin. We often use green LED therapy to treat dilated capillaries, sagging skin around the eyes, under eye circles, hyperpigmentation and sun spots.

Yellow light (570-620 nm) stimulates the production of red blood cells, which plays a vital role in cell regeneration and skin healing. It is ideal for treating conditions that involve redness and inflammation such as rosacea, eczema, sunburn or psoriasis.

Red light (633 nm) stimulates collagen and elastin within the dermis, increases blood flow and oxygenation to the skin while delivering nutrients and antioxidants to repair skin. Red LED light increases regeneration so that skin looks and feels plumper and brighter with improved density in the dermis to support the aging process.

Near infrared light (830 nm) penetrates deep into the skin, increasing cellular activities such as the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to maintain the skin’s structure for a more youthful appearance. It helps to reduce inflammation and pain by increasing blood flow and oxygenation, supporting cellular health and repairing damage. It balances hormones such as cortisol (stress hormone), serotonin (happy/feel good hormone) and melatonin (sleep hormone).

During An LED Light Therapy Procedure

At JE’DERM skin atelier, LED light therapy is utilized as a part of our Signature Bespoke Facial.

What To Expect During LED Light Therapy

At JE’DERM skin atelier, your LED light therapy treatment may last between 10 to 20 minutes as part of the 75-minute Signature Bespoke Facial. It is very relaxing, and you will feel no sensation at all. Consistency is key, and your therapist will be able to support you with complementary treatments that work best for your skin. The treatment could look different than you remember if you’ve had a light therapy before. Some providers may have you lie down underneath the lights or use LED light over your skin.

Aftercare Steps

Certain LED lights can boost your skin's ability to absorb moisturizers and serums. Be sure to take care of your skin post-treatment. After applying your normal routine, lather your face with sunscreen whenever you’re going to be exposed to the sun’s rays.

Aftercare is crucial to getting the most out of any skin treatment, and protecting your skin after your LED light treatment will keep it at its best shape and prepared for your next appointment.

The Results To Expect From LED Light Therapy

Due to LED light therapy’s noninvasive procedure, no recovery time is necessary. Outside of staying sun safe and moisturized, you can continue on with your day as you normally would after your treatment is finished. 

As your skin cells regenerate, your skin will go through different stages, including potential minor breakouts. Keeping those maintenance treatments scheduled will leave you with the best results.

How Often Should You Receive This Treatment?

You should continue your treatment for an additional 10 sessions after your evaluation and your specialist can help you determine how to schedule those visits. Keeping up with your skin care routine between treatments can help you make the most of your experience.

When Do Clients See Results From LED Light Therapy?

All results will vary between skin types,and the condition we treat but a few observations remain true. Treating inflammation and acne conditions may show a quicker and more visible result than when we focus on anti-aging. The more collagen that is produced, the better the opportunity for your skin to look full and smooth. Collagen contributes to the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles appearances.

Book A Facial With LED Light Therapy

You deserve to see the results from the love and care you put into your skin. If you’re interested in LED light therapy, contact JE’DERM skin atelier. We’re dedicated to improving and educating clients on the best ways to keep skin healthy and radiant.


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