The Best Facial for Blackheads

Let’s break down the basics and get you connected with resources that can best serve your skin’s health. A great facial treatment can help relieve and prevent blackheads.

What Are Blackheads?

Everyone hates seeing blackheads pop up anywhere on their face. But, what do they develop from?

Blackheads are open pores or hair follicles that are clogged with excess sebum, bacteria and dead skin cells. When we’re in front of a well lit mirror, nose pressed against the glass, it’s easy to feel isolated in your personal experience with blackheads. The reality? They affect nearly 50,000,000 Americans, so you’re not alone!

How Do Blackheads Form?

In the hair follicles of your skin, as oils and dead skin cells begin to collect, a comedone begins to form. Blackheads start to appear when the “clog” is exposed to air that causes them to oxidize and turn them black. This is often confused with trapped “dirt”, but the development of blackheads has nothing to do with hygiene or the cleanliness of the skin.

Who Is Susceptible To Blackheads And Breakouts?

Blackheads are the most common form of non-inflammatory acne. People with oilier skin are more vulnerable to have blackheads, but anyone can get them. There are several other factors that can cause or worsen blackheads including genetics, lifestyle and environmental factors.

Facials That Help Treat Concerns About Blackheads

When it comes to eliminating blackheads, there are two ways you can go about it. You can focus on prevention at home with the right routine, and you can see an esthetician for a cleansing facial that focuses on extractions.

It might be tempting to squeeze them at home, but extractions not performed properly can lead to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (marks) or inflammation on the skin causing a much bigger issue, acne.

Personalized Facials That Include Extractions

At JE’DERM skin atelier, our Signature Bespoke Facial is customized to treat your personal skin concerns. A treatment that offers exfoliation, extraction and slathered with antioxidants can only bring about happy skin cells. With eradication of the debris that settles in our pores, our skin has a better chance of absorbing the products we use to combat fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation.

If your only focus is deep cleansing, our new Purifying Facial Treatment is designed to thoroughly exfoliate and cleanse the skin, removing oils and congestions. This treatment focuses on extraction but includes cleansing, exfoliating, high frequency, serums, oxygen infusion, light therapy and a face mask. Although it was specifically created to clear and maintain the health of congested and problematic skin, anyone can benefit from it.

During your custom facial we’ll also recommend you products you can incorporate into your skincare routine.

The Importance Of An At-Home Skincare Regimen

The most important piece of your facial appointments when treating blackheads and breakouts is your at home skin care regimen. Without follow up, you may as well set your money on fire because your skin care routine is the beginning and end of everything. It is only when you remain consistent and thorough with your regimen that you’ll begin to see the results you’re hoping for.

Consult With An Esthetician For Tips And Products

One of the many beautiful things about working with an esthetician is that you get the inside scoop as an added bonus at your appointment. Getting those tips and tricks straight from the source, as well as product recommendations, is invaluable. So make sure you pick your esthetician's brain at your next facial appointment. 

A few tips to consider:

  • Be consistent with your routine

  • Use the right cleanser on the morning and at night

  • Exfoliate (BHA/AHA)

  • Hydrate

You can check the current products in your routine for pore-clogging ingredients and ensure your products aren’t part of the reason for your blackheads!

Start Your Skincare Journey

The truth about skin care is that everyone has concerns with their own biology and the way it presents itself. Accepting that is your first step to a healthier mindset about loving the skin you’re in. From there, utilizing facials and accompanying treatments help you take back your confidence and be proud of the ever-evolving skin upon your face.

If you’re ready for more radiant, glowing skin, this is your sign. Contact JE’DERM skin atelier today to learn more, and book your first facial appointment! We provide expert, personalized facial care for the Upper West Side of Manhattan.


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